Best trout lures
Best trout lures

Use as little weight as possible you want your bait to drift along naturally and just tick the bottom. Good hook sizes range from size 6 to 10, depending on the size of the bait being used. However, if fish are just nipping off this tail section, try a smaller piece of worm. Worms should be hooked once or twice, leaving a trailing tail that undulates in the water and helps attract fish. Check current fishing regulations as some areas restrict the use of natural or live bait. Natural baits that work for trout are worms, fish eggs, grasshoppers, salted or live minnows, corn, maggots and small marshmallows. If using spinners and spoons, a small ball bearing snap swivel will help avoid line twist. Good artificial lures to try are small spinners, spoons, jigs, stickbaits, and plastics (like 1-2" tube jigs and twister tails). Match the rod with a small-to medium-sized spinning reel spooled with four to eight pound monofilament line. Longer rods, however, are usually better for hooking and playing fish and for increased casting distance. Shorter rods are easier to handle when dealing with overhanging trees and branches found along many trout streams, but are usually more difficult to hook fish with. Light and ultra-light spinning rods from 4 ½ to 8 ½ feet in length work well.

best trout lures

Though any fishing rod and reel will work for stream trout, choosing equipment appropriate to the size fish you are after will improve your success. Around 392,000 rainbow trout are stocked each spring into streams and lakes. Like brown trout, they can tolerate higher water temperatures than brook trout.

best trout lures

Rainbows are found in streams, rivers, lakes and ponds. Rainbows are native to the Pacific coast and were introduced into NY waters in the 1870's.

Best trout lures